SPE/PEM Technology

SPE/PEM technology, which stands for Solid Polymer Electrolyte/Proton Exchange Membrane, is at the heart of our innovative hydrogen water generation process. This cutting-edge technology is designed to produce high-purity hydrogen-rich water that offers numerous health and wellness benefits. By utilizing a dual-chamber system, featuring a solid polymer electrolyte and a proton exchange membrane, our hydrogen generators can efficiently separate hydrogen gas from the surrounding environment while removing oxygen, ozone, and chlorine, ensuring that you receive only the purest hydrogen water. This process results in water with an exceptionally high hydrogen concentration, offering a wide range of advantages for your well-being.

1. Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE):

In this image, you can see the role of SPE. It employs a solid polymer layer that separates two hydrogen and oxygen molecules in water. When an electrical current passes through water, the SPE assists in the electrochemical reaction, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. This crucial step occurs within the generator, creating a flow of hydrogen gas.

2. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM):

The Proton Exchange Membrane, as depicted below, is essential for keeping hydrogen and oxygen separated. The membrane acts as a selective barrier, allowing only protons (hydrogen ions) to cross between its layers. By selectively permitting protons to move while blocking other gases, the PEM ensures that hydrogen gas is isolated and delivered into the water, while oxygen is separated out and safely discharged.