How to drink Hydrogen water for optimal benefits ?

How to drink Hydrogen water for optimal benefits ?

It can be seen that Hydrogen water brings many health benefits. Let's explore some special tips that you need to pay attention to when choosing to accompany this nutritious water with Mutosi.

1. Dosage

Supplement 1.5 to 2 liters of Hydrogen water daily. For optimal effects, the average adult should supplement with 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. You can use more depending on body weight or if you engage in activities that expend more energy than usual.

Note: Individuals with kidney-related conditions should avoid consuming this type of water as it may create a precipitate environment, leading to kidney stones. People aged over 80 and children under 3 years old should also refrain from drinking it.

For optimal benefits, users should supplement with 1.5 to 2 liters of Hydro water each day.

2. Caution when using Hydrogen water

Use Hydrogen water immediately after pouring.

The characteristic of hydrogen water is that it easily evaporates, so it is recommended to use it as soon as possible, preferably within 15 minutes after pouring.

Typically, the high concentration of hydrogen in water is maintained for about 15 minutes at room temperature (around 25 degrees Celsius). If you use hydrogen water after this period, the benefits will significantly decrease as the beneficial hydrogen concentration in the water has evaporated considerably.

Hydrogen water should be consumed immediately after pouring to ensure the highest nutrient content

Boiling Hydrogen water is not advisable.

The H2 molecules in water are more prone to evaporate in high-temperature environments. Therefore, boiling water will cause the loss of Hydrogen, resulting in the loss of its beneficial effects.

However, Mutosi experts recommend using Hydrogen water for cooking because it contains many healthy minerals. Combined with its small molecular structure, it helps quick absorption and imparts a delicious flavor to the food.

The water should be used directly when taken from the tap instead of boiling, as the heating process will cause the beneficial H2 molecules in the water to evaporate.


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