
Beautifully designed for everyday life. Optimize your health while on-the-go!

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Do You Know?

Enhanced Antioxidant Benefits

Molecular hydrogen (H2) serves as a powerful and selective antioxidant that actively combats detrimental free radicals, including reactive oxygen species (ROS). By effectively neutralizing these harmful molecules, it safeguards cells and tissues against potential damage.

Reduced Inflammation

Hydrating with hydrogen-infused water has demonstrated its ability to reduce the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are molecules responsible for contributing to bodily inflammation. This can result in a noticeable reduction in inflammation levels within the body.

How does HydroRevive's product enhance your daily health and lifestyle?

Our story at HydroRevive is one of dedication to health and the transformative potential of molecular hydrogen. Inspired by the remarkable benefits of hydrogen-enriched water, we've innovated a line of groundbreaking products. These creations, including the HydroRevive™ 450ml Classic Hydrogen Water Bottle, the advanced HydroRevive™ Upgrade Hydrogen Water Bottle, and the practical HydroRevive™ 2L Hydrogen Water Pitcher, are designed to make hydrogen's power accessible to all. Join us on our journey to improve well-being with cutting-edge solutions, inspired by the natural benefits of hydrogen in water.


Why Should You Choose HydroRevive for Enhanced Hydration?

"Hydrogen water bottles are an excellent investment for those committed to long-term health and well-being."

HydroRevive's range of advanced hydrogen-infused water bottles and pitchers is the key to unlocking superior health and well-being. Experience enhanced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits with our innovative hydrogen infusion technology.


  • Classic  Bottle

  • Upgrade Bottle

  • 2L Hydrogen Water Pitcher

450ml Classic Hydrogen Water Bottle

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Upgrade Hydrogen Water Bottle

Our Professional grade hydrogen-generating water bottle uses the latest most advanced PEM & Titanium SPE technology. With a self-cleaning option, and built-in cannula inhaler ability. This bottle is the most versatile hydrogen water bottle on the market today.

2L Hydrogen Water Pitcher

The HydroRevive 2L Hydrogen Water Generator is a unique health companion that allows you to enhance the quality of your daily drinking water. With the ability to produce a significant amount of hydrogen, this product ensures stable hydrogen and water interaction. It effectively separates hydrogen and oxygen, eliminating residual chlorine, oxygen, and other gases to rapidly improve water quality.

With a generous 2-liter capacity, the HydroRevive Hydrogen Water Generator is perfect for family use, meeting your household's daily drinking water needs.

About Us

HydroRevive was born out of a genuine passion for wellness and a desire to share the remarkable benefits of hydrogen-rich water with the world. Our journey began when a group of health enthusiasts and scientists came together, inspired by the transformative potential of hydrogen-infused water.

Our Story ➜

General FAQ's

Q: How does the HydroRevive Bottle create hydrogen-enriched water?

The HydroRevive Bottle uses cutting-edge Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) combined with Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) electrolysis technology. This innovative process selectively splits water molecules to produce pure molecular hydrogen at high concentrations, delivering a revitalizing boost with each sip.

Q: What material is the HydroRevive Bottle made from?

Our HydroRevive Bottle is crafted from durable, food-grade borosilicate glass that is BPA-free and designed to ensure the purity and taste of your hydrogen-rich water.

Q: Can I transfer the hydrogen-infused water from my HydroRevive Bottle to another container?

Absolutely! You can pour the hydrogenated water into another glass or stainless-steel container if desired. The hydrogen gas will remain at a testable concentration in the water for approximately 12 hours, even if the container is sealed.

Q: There’s a cap inside my HydroRevive Bottle when it arrived. What should I do with it?

The cap you see is there to keep the PEM plates hydrated during storage. Upon receiving your bottle, simply remove the cap and rinse the bottle before its first use. Any moisture inside is normal and ensures your bottle's membrane is primed for optimal function.

Q: What happens to the oxygen that’s separated from the water?

The HydroRevive Bottle is designed to vent out any remaining oxygen gas, allowing only pure molecular hydrogen to infuse into the water for your enhanced hydration experience.

Q: How should I clean the HydroRevive Bottle?

Cleaning your HydroRevive Bottle is simple. Wash it gently with mild soap and warm water. If you have hard water, descale the electrolysis unit by soaking the titanium plates with distilled white vinegar every once in a while. Remember, do not submerge the base in water or use abrasive materials to clean it.

Q: Is it safe to consume hydrogen-rich water from the HydroRevive Bottle during pregnancy?

Hydrogen-rich water is generally safe for consumption during pregnancy. However, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes while pregnant.

My HydroRevive Bottle isn’t producing hydrogen bubbles. What should I do?

If your bottle isn’t bubbling, immerse the base with the PEM unit in warm water for 24 hours. This rehydrates the membrane and should restore functionality.

Q: Can I use hot or cold water with my HydroRevive Bottle?

For the longevity and safety of the PEM, we recommend using water that's room temperature, cold, or iced. Please avoid using boiling water, as it could damage the membrane and potentially void your warranty.

Q: How many uses does the HydroRevive Bottle have on a full charge?

On a full charge, your HydroRevive Bottle can perform 15 to 20 hydrogen infusion cycles, and it takes between 5-7 hours to charge fully. Always use the provided USB cable for charging.

Q: How long does the hydrogen remain in the water?

In our bottles, the hydrogen concentration of 1.6 ppm lasts for at least 30 minutes in a sealed container. You can also reactivate the hydrogen production anytime by pressing the power button, starting a new 3-minute cycle.

Q: Do I need to buy filters or replacement parts for my HydroRevive Bottle?

No, there are no filters to replace or parts to buy regularly. The HydroRevive Bottle is designed to be reusable, rechargeable, and a sustainable choice for creating hydrogen water for years.

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